2022 Tenant Registrations are due by January 2, 2022. Borough Ordinance 1090 requires that tenant information be reported to the Borough each year by January 2nd. You must submit a new form each year. This is for any property that is not owner occupied, even if no rent is being collected or the property is vacant. This information should also be provided within 30 days of any changes in occupancy status. You must include anyone who resides at the property 18 years of age and older. The Ordinance states that the property owner can be fined for not providing this information.
Please contact the Borough office at 814-438-2331 or by email Secretary@UCBorough.us with questions. If you need a Tenant Registration form, view the PDF here or. Also, you can send an email request or stop at the office. The ordinance is also available in PDF format.