In a podcast episode on Transforming Small Business (Impact Corry), Cindy Wells (Borough Manager for Union City, PA) and Steve Bishop (Project Coordinator for the Union City Community Foundation) speak about how these two entities intersect, how they’ve worked on… Continue Reading →
Bring leftover Pills, Patches, Ointments, Cough Syrups, Vitamins, Pet Meds, and Medication Samples in their original containers or place loose pills in a Ziploc bag. Unfortunately we can’t take Needles, Lancets, Syringes, Aerosol Cans, Inhalers, Alcohol, Peroxide, Personal Care Products,… Continue Reading →
Assistance is available to income-qualified families in several communities including Union City Borough to have repairs made to their homes. The assistance is being provided through Erie County’s Act 137 Affordable Housing Fund program. The Erie County Department of Planning… Continue Reading →
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Contact: Cindy Wells, Vice President Union City Pride, Inc., Box 172, Union City, PA 16438 (O) 814-438-2331 (E) UNION CITY, PA (June 26, 2023) – Union City Pride, Inc. is requesting proposals and qualifications… Continue Reading →
The 17th annual French Creek Festival and Fireworks will start on Friday, July 7th, 2023 at 5PM to 10PM and end on Saturday, July 8th, 2023 at 11AM to 5PM. There will be vendors, crafters, food trucks, and games. Friday… Continue Reading →
New orders for Union City Military Banners are being accepted now until March 18, 2023. Order forms are available at the American Legion, 9225 Route 6, or the Moose Club corner of Perry and North Main Streets. Also, order forms… Continue Reading →
On October 17, 2022, Union City Borough Council held a special meeting to consider the two bids for Municipal Solid Waste and Recycling Services. The bids were due Friday, October 14, 2022. The following information is being provided to further… Continue Reading →
Union City Pride Façade Improvement and Interior/Structural Improvement Grant Program Application Period Opened: 9/16/2022 Application Guidelines The Union City Pride Façade Improvement and Interior/Structural Improvement Grant Program seeks to assist commercial property owners and/or business owners (with property owner permission)… Continue Reading →
The South Branch French Creek runs through Union City Borough for approximately 2 miles. French Creek and its surrounding areas create a significant natural resource and riparian green-way zone in the Borough. The green and sustainable characteristic of French Creek… Continue Reading →
When Where Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 6:00 PM Union City Fire Department Social Hall 50 Second Avenue Union City, PA 16438 UCPD is inviting the public to meet and greet with us. The objective of this meeting is… Continue Reading →